[MVL, 글로벌 NGO 굿네이버스와 파트너십 체결]. 안녕하세요. MVL팀 입니다. MVL이 7월 20일 굿네이버스 캄보디아와 캄보디아 내 교육 인프라 및 환경 개선을 위한 장기적인 파트너십을 체결하였습니다.
20 Jul 2022, 00:33
[MVL, 글로벌 NGO 굿네이버스와 파트너십 체결]
안녕하세요. MVL팀 입니다.
MVL이 7월 20일 굿네이버스 캄보디아와 캄보디아 내 교육 인프라 및 환경 개선을 위한 장기적인 파트너십을 체결하였습니다.
굿네이버스는 전문사회복지사업과 국제개발협력사업을 수행하는 아동권리 전문 글로벌 NGO입니다. 특히 캄보디아 내 6개 주에서 장기적인 지역사회 개발 프로그램과 아동 건강 프로젝트를 운영하고 있으며, 교육, 환경 개선 등 지역사회의 발전에 기여하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
양사는 이번 파트너십을 통해 캄보디아 내 낙후된 지역을 중심으로 학교 건설을 비롯한 교육 환경 및 화장실, 정수 식음대 등의 기반시설을 개선하고 블록체인과 같은 실생활 디지털 교육 프로그램을 개발하여 지역사회의 성장을 도모할 것입니다. 뿐만 아니라, 이를 통해 현지 내 엠블 브랜드 가치 상승 및 엠블 생태계의 저변 확대를 위한 기반도 마련해 나갈 예정입니다.
보다 자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 통해 확인 가능합니다.
관련 기사 👉https://decenter.kr/NewsView/268LFULBH9
Same news in other sources
220 Jul 2022, 00:48
[MVL Signed a Partnership with NGO, Good Neighbors Cambodia]
MVL signed a long-term partnership with NGO Good Neighbors Cambodia on July 20th to improve the educational environment across Cambodia.
More Information 👉
[MVL Signed a Partnership with NGO, Good Neighbors Cambodia].
[MVL Signed a Partnership with NGO, Good Neighbors Cambodia]
MVL signed a long-term partnership with NGO Good Neighbors Cambodia on July 20th to improve the educational environment across Cambodia.
More Information 👉 https://t.co/3Dp8eduA1x https://t.co/hPiMSKPV97
20 Jul 2022, 00:40
[MVL Signed a Partnership with NGO, Good Neighbors Cambodia]
Hello, this is the MVL team.
On July 20th, MVL signed a long-term partnership with Good Neighbors Cambodia to improve the educational environment and its infrastructures in Cambodia.
Good Neighbors is a global NGO that focuses on protecting and improving children’s rights by conducting social welfare and international development projects. In particular, Good Neighbors is currently running children’s health and local communities’ development projects in 6 different provinces in Cambodia and is putting effort into improving the local communities by focusing on the enhancement of educational environment.
[MVL Signed a Partnership with NGO, Good Neighbors Cambodia]. Hello, this is the MVL team.
[MVL Signed a Partnership with NGO, Good Neighbors Cambodia]
Hello, this is the MVL team.
On July 20th, MVL signed a long-term partnership with Good Neighbors Cambodia to improve the educational environment and its infrastructures in Cambodia.
Good Neighbors is a global NGO that focuses on protecting and improving children’s rights by conducting social welfare and international development projects. In particular, Good Neighbors is currently running children’s health and local communities’ development projects in 6 different provinces in Cambodia and is putting effort into improving the local communities by focusing on the enhancement of educational environment.