[엠블(MVL), '글로벌 리더스 포럼 2022' 모빌리티 세션 참석]. 지난 11월 21일부터 22일까지 양일간 소공동 롯데호텔에서 개최된 '글로벌 리더스 포럼'에 엠블(MVL)의 우경식 대표가 패널로 참석하였습니다.

23 Nov 2022, 06:30
[엠블(MVL), ‘글로벌 리더스 포럼 2022’ 모빌리티 세션 참석] 지난 11월 21일부터 22일까지 양일간 소공동 롯데호텔에서 개최된 ‘글로벌 리더스 포럼’에 엠블(MVL)의 우경식 대표가 패널로 참석하였습니다. 글로벌 리더스 포럼은 세계 각국의 석학들과 정책결정자, 기업인이 한자리에 모여 전세계가 직면한 주요 문제에 대해 논의하는 국제 포럼으로, 우경식 대표는 해당 포럼 국내외 주요 모빌리티 수장들이 참석한 ‘모빌리티의 미래, 도전과 과제' 세션에 패널로 참석해 3.0 모빌리티가 가져올 혁신과 변화에 대해 제언하였으며, 패널들과 함께 모빌리티 산업의 발전 방향을 논의하였습니다. 엠블은 모빌리티 산업의 혁신을 주도하기 위해 실사업에 블록체인을 적용하며, 생태계 참여자 모두가 공정하게 보상받고 이를 통한 동반 성장을 목표로 나아갈 예정입니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다. 관련 링크 👉 감사합니다. Trust-driven MVL

Same news in other sources

23 Nov 2022, 06:33
[MVL Participates in Global Leaders Forum 2022] Kay Woo (CEO of MVL) has participated as a panel of mobility session in Global Leaders Forum 2022, hosted by TV Chosun and discussed on the subject of ‘The Future of Mobility and Regulations’. Details 👉
[MVL Participates in Global Leaders Forum 2022].
[MVL Participates in Global Leaders Forum 2022] Kay Woo (CEO of MVL) has participated as a panel of mobility session in Global Leaders Forum 2022, hosted by TV Chosun and discussed on the subject of ‘The Future of Mobility and Regulations’. Details 👉 https://t.co/mqstou6kS3 https://t.co/zJLuX36I4I
23 Nov 2022, 06:31
[MVL Participates in Mobility Session of Global Leaders Forum 2022] Kay Woo (CEO of MVL) has participated as a panel of mobility session in Global Leaders Forum 2022, hosted by TV Chosun that took place from 21st to 22nd November in Seoul. Global Leaders Forum 2022 is an international forum where global leaders engage in active discussion on the subject of ‘The Era of Great Transition, Solving the Global Dilemma’. Throughout the mobility session (The Future of Mobility and Regulations: Challenges and Tasks) among the leaders of mobility businesses, Kay Woo has suggested the keynote on the innovation of mobility with web 3.0 and discussed solutions for the development of the mobility industry in the future. For more details about the forum, please refer to the link below. Details 👉 Thank you. Trust-driven MVL
[MVL Participates in Mobility Session of Global Leaders Forum 2022].
[MVL Participates in Mobility Session of Global Leaders Forum 2022] Kay Woo (CEO of MVL) has participated as a panel of mobility session in Global Leaders Forum 2022, hosted by TV Chosun that took place from 21st to 22nd November in Seoul. Global Leaders Forum 2022 is an international forum where global leaders engage in active discussion on the subject of ‘The Era of Great Transition, Solving the Global Dilemma’. Throughout the mobility session (The Future of Mobility and Regulations: Challenges and Tasks) among the leaders of mobility businesses, Kay Woo has suggested the keynote on the innovation of mobility with web 3.0 and discussed solutions for the development of the mobility industry in the future. For more details about the forum, please refer to the link below. Details 👉 https://youtu.be/0YRXUQkNkNk Thank you. Trust-driven MVL