[엠블 X 테조스 재단 웹 3 모빌리티 프로젝트 성료]. 안녕하세요, MVL팀입니다. 4월 11일, 엠블이 테조스 재단과 함께 진행한 웹 3 모빌리티 프로젝트가 성공적으로 종료하였습니다.
11 Apr 2023, 01:34
[엠블 X 테조스 재단 웹 3 모빌리티 프로젝트 성료]
안녕하세요, MVL팀입니다.
4월 11일, 엠블이 테조스 재단과 함께 진행한 웹 3 모빌리티 프로젝트가 성공적으로 종료하였습니다.
양사는 모빌리티 영역을 블록체인으로 혁신하겠다는 공동의 목표를 갖고 21년 9월부터 모빌리티 블록체인 관련 기술 개발과 현장 실증 사업을 함께 진행해왔으며, 엠블이 테조스의 지원으로 진행한 프로젝트는 하이브리드 블록체인 런칭과 드라이버 패스포트 NFT 발행, 그리고 테조스(XTZ) 및 테조스 서브토큰을 지원하는 지갑 개발 등입니다.
MVL 재단은 그동안 약 6만 4천여 개의 드라이버 패스포트를 생성했으며, 현재도 TADA 가입자 증가와 함께 꾸준한 발행이 이뤄지고 있습니다. 특히, TADA 서비스 사용자가 Tezos 네트워크에서 편리하게 토큰화된 인센티브를 수령 및 보관, 사용할 수 있도록 MVL의 Clutch 지갑에 Tezos network 지원 기능을 공동 개발했으며, 이를 TADA 플랫폼과 성공적으로 통합시켰습니다.
보다 자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다.
관련기사 👉https://www.coindeskkorea.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=90907
Same news in other sources
211 Apr 2023, 01:37
[ @MVL X @Tezos , Web3 Mobility Project Completed]
MVL successfully completed its Web3 mobility project with the Tezos foundation! please check link below for more information
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[ @MVL X @Tezos , Web3 Mobility Project Completed].
[ @MVL X @Tezos , Web3 Mobility Project Completed]
MVL successfully completed its Web3 mobility project with the Tezos foundation! please check link below for more information
Related Article 👉 https://t.co/FJfUs0rd8X
11 Apr 2023, 01:34
[MVL X Tezos, Web3 Mobility Project Successfully Completed]
Hello, this is MVL team.
On April 11th, MVL successfully completed its Web3 mobility project with the Tezos Foundation.
The two companies had a joint goal of innovating the mobility sector with blockchain technology and have been working together on mobility blockchain-related technology development and field pilot projects since September 2021.The joint projects conducted by the two companies include launching a hybrid blockchain, issuing driver passport NFTs, and developing wallets that support Tezos (XTZ) and Tezos sub-tokens.
The MVL Foundation has generated about 64,000 driver passports, and the numbers are still increasing along with the growth of TADA users. In particular, MVL has jointly developed Tezos network support features in its Clutch wallet with Tezos, enabling TADA service users to easily receive, store, and use tokenized incentives on the Tezos network, and successfully integrated it with the TADA platform.
[MVL X Tezos, Web3 Mobility Project Successfully Completed]. Hello, this is MVL team.
[MVL X Tezos, Web3 Mobility Project Successfully Completed]
Hello, this is MVL team.
On April 11th, MVL successfully completed its Web3 mobility project with the Tezos Foundation.
The two companies had a joint goal of innovating the mobility sector with blockchain technology and have been working together on mobility blockchain-related technology development and field pilot projects since September 2021.The joint projects conducted by the two companies include launching a hybrid blockchain, issuing driver passport NFTs, and developing wallets that support Tezos (XTZ) and Tezos sub-tokens.
The MVL Foundation has generated about 64,000 driver passports, and the numbers are still increasing along with the growth of TADA users. In particular, MVL has jointly developed Tezos network support features in its Clutch wallet with Tezos, enabling TADA service users to easily receive, store, and use tokenized incentives on the Tezos network, and successfully integrated it with the TADA platform.