[6/7 위클리 뉴스]. 안녕하세요. MVL(엠블)팀입니다. 6월 7일 위클리뉴스입니다. ONiON, 토탈에너지스와 파트너십 체결.
07 Jun 2022, 08:33
[6/7 위클리 뉴스]
안녕하세요. MVL(엠블)팀입니다.
6월 7일 위클리뉴스입니다.
1. ONiON, 토탈에너지스와 파트너십 체결
지난 주 엠블의 어니언(ONiON) 모빌리티와 프랑스 토탈에너지스의 자회사인 토탈에너지스 마케팅 캄보디아가 파트너십을 체결했습니다. 양사는 공동으로 전기차 인프라 확충과 청정 에너지 공급을 추진하게 됩니다. 토탈에너지스는 엑손모빌, 셸 등과 함께 세계 4위의 슈퍼메이저 글로벌 에너지 기업으로, 현재 원유 및 천연가스 개발과 석유 시추, 생산, 운송과 정유 등의 사업을 진행하고 있습니다. 캄보디아 정부가 2050년까지 전기차 전환 촉진 등 탄소중립 발전 정책을 추진함에 따라, MVL은 이번 파트너십을 통해 ONiON T1의 충전 스테이션을 확대해 나갈 계획입니다. MVL은 캄보디아에서 가장 대중적인 토탈에너지스 주유소 공급망을 활용해 어니언 모빌리티의 전기 차량이 이용 가능한 충전소 기능의 허브 스테이션을 개설할 예정입니다. 더 자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 통해 확인 바랍니다.
2. ONiON Mobility 개소식 영상 공개
지난 3일 캄보디아 프놈펜에서 진행된 어니언(ONiON) 모빌리티의 ONiON T1, E-툭툭 생산 공장 개소식 진행 영상이 공개되었습니다. 지난 5월 말에 진행된 공장 개소식에는 캄보디아 정부 관계자 분들을 비롯한 많은 임직원 분들이 참석해 자리를 빛내주셨습니다. 개소식에서는 MVL의 우경식 대표와 센트랄의 강태룡 회장의 연설이 진행됐으며, 어니언 모빌리티와 센트랄 양사의 MOU 체결식도 함께 진행됐습니다. 새롭게 설립된 어니언 모빌리티 생산 공장을 주축으로 앞으로 MVL은 전기차 생태계 확대에 더욱 박차를 가할 예정입니다. 아래 링크의 영상을 통해 성황리에 마무리된 어니언 모빌리티 개소식의 현장을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
➡️ 4월 한달 간 엠블의 행보가 궁금하다면
◈ 엠블의 뉴스레터를 구독하세요.
엠블 공식 홈페이지에서 엠블 뉴스레터를 구독할 수 있습니다. 엠블 뉴스레터를 구독한 분께는 월간 리포트와, 위클리뉴스 등을 이메일로 보내드립니다.
- PC 버전 : 공식 홈페이지 첫 화면의 뉴스레터 구독하기 클릭 후 이메일 주소 작성
- 모바일 버전 : 우측 상단의 더보기 클릭 후 하단 빈 칸에 이메일 주소 작성
👉 엠블 뉴스레터 구독하러 가기
MVL Foundation이 개발하는 블록체인 모빌리티 생태계입니다. 서로 다른 영역에 파편화되어 있는 자동차 거래 기록, 주행 기록, 운전습관, 차량 정비 기록, 운전기사에 대한 평가 등 핵심 데이터를 블록체인에 기록해 생태계 안에서 하나로 연결합니다.
아래의 채널을 통해서 엠블팀의 소식을 빠르게 만나볼 수 있습니다.
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엠블 이메일: support@mvlchain.io
Same news in other sources
207 Jun 2022, 08:38
[7th June Weekly News]
✅ ONiON Signed a Partnership with Total Energies
✅ ONiON Mobility's Production Plant Opening Ceremony Clip is Now Available
Please join us on MVL official channels
[7th June Weekly News]. ONiON Signed a Partnership with Total Energies.
[7th June Weekly News]
✅ ONiON Signed a Partnership with Total Energies
✅ ONiON Mobility's Production Plant Opening Ceremony Clip is Now Available
🏠 https://t.co/9ZLX6GVnQc
Please join us on MVL official channels
➡️ https://t.co/5NVp7kkmA0 https://t.co/YsKcMST9zF
07 Jun 2022, 08:33
[7th June Weekly News]
Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l].
This is MVL's Weekly News.
1. ONiON Signed a Partnership with Total Energies
Last week, MVL's ONiON Mobility and Total Energies Marketing Cambodia, a subsidiary of Total Energies in France, signed a partnership. The two companies will jointly promote the expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure and clean energy supply. Total Energies is the world's fourth-largest global energy company along with ExxonMobil and Shell. As the Cambodian government promotes carbon-neutral power generation policies, such as promoting the conversion of electric vehicles by 2050, MVL will expand ONiON T1 charging stations through this partnership. Since Total Energies is Cambodia's most popular gas station supply chain, MVL will open a Hub Station as a charging station for ONiON Mobility's electric vehicles. For more details, please check the article below.
2. ONiON Mobility's Production Plant Opening Ceremony Clip is Now Available
A clip showing the opening ceremony of the production plant for ONiON Mobility's E-Tuk Tuk, ONiON T1, was released on June 3rd. The opening ceremony, which was held on May 24th, was attended by many distinguished guests including government officials from Cambodia, as well as many executives and staffs. During the ceremony, a speech was made by MVL CEO Kay Woo and CTR President Tae-Ryong Kang and an MOU was signed between the two companies (MVL and CTR) as well. Focusing on the ONiON Mobility's newly established production plant, MVL will continue to expand the mobility ecosystem for electric vehicles. Check out the link below to see how the ceremony went for the opening of ONiON Mobility's production plant.
◈ Subscribe to our MVL newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on the MVL official website. If you subscribe with us, we will send you our Weekly News and MVL Monthly Report to the email you have submitted.
- PC : Submit your email address on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
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👉 Subscribe to our MVL newsletter here (https://mvlchain.io/#s202104224b5344c268b3d).
What is MVL?
MVL is a blockchain protocol operated within the mobility ecosystem based on incentive method. Within the MVL ecosystem, people generate data and receive incentives by driving or using vehicle-related services. By recording and sharing these data, the entire mobility ecosystem can become a transparent, trustworthy and virtuous cycle structure that develops into a healthy ecosystem.
You can have MVL's latest news with following channels.
MVL Website:
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E-mail: support@mvlchain.io
[7th June Weekly News]. Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l]. This is MVL's Weekly News.
[7th June Weekly News]
Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l].
This is MVL's Weekly News.
1. ONiON Signed a Partnership with Total Energies
Last week, MVL's ONiON Mobility and Total Energies Marketing Cambodia, a subsidiary of Total Energies in France, signed a partnership. The two companies will jointly promote the expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure and clean energy supply. Total Energies is the world's fourth-largest global energy company along with ExxonMobil and Shell. As the Cambodian government promotes carbon-neutral power generation policies, such as promoting the conversion of electric vehicles by 2050, MVL will expand ONiON T1 charging stations through this partnership. Since Total Energies is Cambodia's most popular gas station supply chain, MVL will open a Hub Station as a charging station for ONiON Mobility's electric vehicles. For more details, please check the article below.
2. ONiON Mobility's Production Plant Opening Ceremony Clip is Now Available
A clip showing the opening ceremony of the production plant for ONiON Mobility's E-Tuk Tuk, ONiON T1, was released on June 3rd. The opening ceremony, which was held on May 24th, was attended by many distinguished guests including government officials from Cambodia, as well as many executives and staffs. During the ceremony, a speech was made by MVL CEO Kay Woo and CTR President Tae-Ryong Kang and an MOU was signed between the two companies (MVL and CTR) as well. Focusing on the ONiON Mobility's newly established production plant, MVL will continue to expand the mobility ecosystem for electric vehicles. Check out the link below to see how the ceremony went for the opening of ONiON Mobility's production plant.
◈ Subscribe to our MVL newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on the MVL official website. If you subscribe with us, we will send you our Weekly News and MVL Monthly Report to the email you have submitted.
- PC : Submit your email address on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
- Mobile : Press the button in the upper right side on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
👉 Subscribe to our MVL newsletter here (https://mvlchain.io/#s202104224b5344c268b3d).
What is MVL?
MVL is a blockchain protocol operated within the mobility ecosystem based on incentive method. Within the MVL ecosystem, people generate data and receive incentives by driving or using vehicle-related services. By recording and sharing these data, the entire mobility ecosystem can become a transparent, trustworthy and virtuous cycle structure that develops into a healthy ecosystem.
You can have MVL's latest news with following channels.
MVL Website: https://en.mvlchain.io
Telegram(KR): https://t.me/mvlchain_kr
Telegram(EN): https://t.me/mvlchain_en
MVL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mvlchain/
MVL Twitter: https://twitter.com/mvlchain
Youtube: https://ewhk4.app.goo.gl/3uWy
Xangle Dashboard: https://xangle.io/project/MVL/key-info
E-mail: support@mvlchain.io