[5/2 위클리 뉴스]. 안녕하세요. MVL(엠블)팀입니다. 5월 2일 위클리뉴스입니다. MVL, MEXC Global에 상장. MVL은 지난 달 29일에 대형 글로벌 가상자산 거래소 MEXC Global에 상장되었습니다.
02 May 2022, 08:27
[5/2 위클리 뉴스]
안녕하세요. MVL(엠블)팀입니다.
5월 2일 위클리뉴스입니다.
1. MVL, MEXC Global에 상장
MVL은 지난 달 29일에 대형 글로벌 가상자산 거래소 MEXC Global에 상장되었습니다. MEXC는 2018년에 설립되었으며 전세계 70개 이상의 국가에서 600만명 이상의 이용자를 보유하고 있는 글로벌 가상자산 거래소입니다. MEXC는 다양한 거래 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 원스톱 거래 서비스, 다양한 파트너 유동성 및 다국어 지원 서비스를 제공하여 편리성을 높여왔습니다. MVL은 이번 상장을 통해 본격적으로 글로벌 거래소 진출의 시작으로 많은 글로벌 유저들의 유입을 통해 bMVL 활용을 더욱 증진시킬 계획입니다. 상장에 활용되는 토큰은 bMVL(BEP-20 MVL)이며, 자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 통해 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
2. 우경식 대표, KOICA 주관 국제 스타트업 컨퍼런스에서 연설
4월 30일, 캄보디아 프놈펜시에서 열린 제 2회 스타트업 기술공유 컨퍼런스에 MVL의 우경식 대표가 기조 연설자로 초청되었습니다. 컨퍼런스는 ICT 기술 창업에 대한 청년들의 이해와 관심 제고, 청년 창업가의 비전과 기술 공유를 목적으로 개최되었으며, 한국국제협력단(KOICA), 왕립 프놈펜 대학(RUPP) 등이 공동 주최했습니다. 또한, 스타트업에 관심있는 예비창업가, 일방인 300여명 및 스타트업 20팀이 함께 참석하였습니다. 해당 컨퍼런스에서 우경식 대표는 TADA와 ONiON의 설립자로서 "4차 산업혁명의 기술과 비즈니스 모델"을 주제로 약 1시간 동안 연설을 진행 했습니다. 행사와 관련한 내용은 아래 링크를 통해 확인 가능합니다.
➡️ 3월 한달 간 엠블의 행보가 궁금하다면
◈ 엠블의 뉴스레터를 구독하세요.
엠블 공식 홈페이지에서 엠블 뉴스레터를 구독할 수 있습니다. 엠블 뉴스레터를 구독한 분께는 월간 리포트와, 위클리뉴스 등을 이메일로 보내드립니다.
- PC 버전 : 공식 홈페이지 첫 화면의 뉴스레터 구독하기 클릭 후 이메일 주소 작성
- 모바일 버전 : 우측 상단의 더보기 클릭 후 하단 빈 칸에 이메일 주소 작성
👉 엠블 뉴스레터 구독하러 가기
MVL Foundation이 개발하는 블록체인 모빌리티 생태계입니다. 서로 다른 영역에 파편화되어 있는 자동차 거래 기록, 주행 기록, 운전습관, 차량 정비 기록, 운전기사에 대한 평가 등 핵심 데이터를 블록체인에 기록해 생태계 안에서 하나로 연결합니다.
아래의 채널을 통해서 엠블팀의 소식을 빠르게 만나볼 수 있습니다.
엠블 공식 홈페이지:
엠블 공식 페이스북:
엠블 공식 유튜브:
엠블 공식 트위터:
엠블 공식 네이버 블로그:
엠블 코박포럼:
엠블 쟁글 대시보드:
엠블 이메일: support@mvlchain.io
Same news in other sources
102 May 2022, 08:27
[2nd May Weekly News]
Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l].
This is MVL's Weekly News.
1. MVL Listed on MEXC Global
MVL was listed on the global virtual asset exchange MEXC Global on the 29th of last month. MEXC was founded in 2018 and is a global virtual asset exchange with more than 6 million users worldwide in more than 70 countries. MEXC offers a wide range of trading services and offers one-stop trading services, partner liquidity, and multilingual support services for the convenience. Through this listing, MVL plans to further promote the use of bMVL through the influx of many international users, starting with the entry into the worldwide exchange of earnest. The token used for the listing is bMVL (BEP-20 MVL), and please stay tuned with us.
👉 https://support.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/6160268863897%20?utm_source=TwitterGlobal&utm_medium=TwitterListing&utm_campaign=TwitterCheck
2. CEO Kay Woo, Speeches at the Start-up Conference Organized by KOICA
On April 30, CEO of MVL, Kay Woo, was invited as a speech speaker at the 2nd Startup Technology Sharing Conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The conference was held to enhance young people's understanding and interest in ICT technology start-ups and share their vision and technology. It was co-hosted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Moreover, about 300 prospective entrepreneurs interested in start-ups and 20 start-up companies attended the conference. At the conference, CEO Kay Woo, the founder of TADA and ONiON, spoke for about an hour about "Technology and Business Model of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." You can check the contents of the event through the link below.
◈ Subscribe to our MVL newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on the MVL official website. If you subscribe with us, we will send you our Weekly News and MVL Monthly Report to the email you have submitted.
- PC : Submit your email address on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
- Mobile : Press the button in the upper right side on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
👉 Subscribe to our MVL newsletter here (https://mvlchain.io/#s202104224b5344c268b3d).
What is MVL?
MVL is a blockchain protocol operated within the mobility ecosystem based on incentive method. Within the MVL ecosystem, people generate data and receive incentives by driving or using vehicle-related services. By recording and sharing these data, the entire mobility ecosystem can become a transparent, trustworthy and virtuous cycle structure that develops into a healthy ecosystem.
You can have MVL's latest news with following channels.
MVL Website:
MVL Facebook:
MVL Twitter:
Xangle Dashboard:
E-mail: support@mvlchain.io
[2nd May Weekly News]. Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l]. This is MVL's Weekly News. MVL Listed on MEXC Global.
[2nd May Weekly News]
Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l].
This is MVL's Weekly News.
1. MVL Listed on MEXC Global
MVL was listed on the global virtual asset exchange MEXC Global on the 29th of last month. MEXC was founded in 2018 and is a global virtual asset exchange with more than 6 million users worldwide in more than 70 countries. MEXC offers a wide range of trading services and offers one-stop trading services, partner liquidity, and multilingual support services for the convenience. Through this listing, MVL plans to further promote the use of bMVL through the influx of many international users, starting with the entry into the worldwide exchange of earnest. The token used for the listing is bMVL (BEP-20 MVL), and please stay tuned with us.
MEXC 👉 https://www.mexc.com/
👉 https://support.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/6160268863897%20?utm_source=TwitterGlobal&utm_medium=TwitterListing&utm_campaign=TwitterCheck
2. CEO Kay Woo, Speeches at the Start-up Conference Organized by KOICA
On April 30, CEO of MVL, Kay Woo, was invited as a speech speaker at the 2nd Startup Technology Sharing Conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The conference was held to enhance young people's understanding and interest in ICT technology start-ups and share their vision and technology. It was co-hosted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Moreover, about 300 prospective entrepreneurs interested in start-ups and 20 start-up companies attended the conference. At the conference, CEO Kay Woo, the founder of TADA and ONiON, spoke for about an hour about "Technology and Business Model of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." You can check the contents of the event through the link below.
👉 https://www.facebook.com/onionmobilitykh/photos/a.160994179151126/473723591211515/
◈ Subscribe to our MVL newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on the MVL official website. If you subscribe with us, we will send you our Weekly News and MVL Monthly Report to the email you have submitted.
- PC : Submit your email address on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
- Mobile : Press the button in the upper right side on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
👉 Subscribe to our MVL newsletter here (https://mvlchain.io/#s202104224b5344c268b3d).
What is MVL?
MVL is a blockchain protocol operated within the mobility ecosystem based on incentive method. Within the MVL ecosystem, people generate data and receive incentives by driving or using vehicle-related services. By recording and sharing these data, the entire mobility ecosystem can become a transparent, trustworthy and virtuous cycle structure that develops into a healthy ecosystem.
You can have MVL's latest news with following channels.
MVL Website: https://en.mvlchain.io
Telegram(KR): https://t.me/mvlchain_kr
Telegram(EN): https://t.me/mvlchain_en
MVL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mvlchain/
MVL Twitter: https://twitter.com/mvlchain
Youtube: https://ewhk4.app.goo.gl/3uWy
Xangle Dashboard: https://xangle.io/project/MVL/key-info
E-mail: support@mvlchain.io