[4/18 위클리 뉴스]. 안녕하세요. MVL(엠블)팀입니다. 4월 18일 위클리뉴스입니다. TADA 캄보디아, 초대형 종합 미디어 기획사 RHM 뮤직비디오에 등장.
18 Apr 2022, 08:44
[4/18 위클리 뉴스]
안녕하세요. MVL(엠블)팀입니다.
4월 18일 위클리뉴스입니다.
1. TADA 캄보디아, 초대형 종합 미디어 기획사 RHM 뮤직비디오에 등장
4월 12일, TADA와 ONiON T1이 캄보디아 유명 음반 기획사 RHM(Rasmy Hang Meas)의 뮤직 비디오에 등장하였으며, 해당 영상은 RHM 공식 유투브 채널에 공개되었습니다. Rasmey Hang Meas는 캄보디아 최대 종합 엔터테이먼트 미디어 기획사로, 약 600만명의 유투브 팔로워와 400만 명 이상의 페이스북 팔로워를 보유하고 있습니다. 이번 영상에서는 출연진이 영상 초반부터 TADA 앱을 사용하고, ONiON T1을 타고 등장하는 장면이 촬영되었습니다. 현재 영상은 6만 뷰 이상의 조회수를 기록하고 있으며, 영상을 통한 TADA와 ONiON의 홍보 효과가 상승될 것으로 기대됩니다. 향후 TADA는 다양한 미디어 기획사 파트너와 함께 영상과 미디어를 활용한 홍보 마케팅을 적극적으로 추진할 계획입니다. 아래 링크를 클릭하여 뮤직비디오 영상을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
2. DEMO T1 NFT 배경 아이디어 기획 이벤트 진행
DEMO T1 NFT 제네시스 홀더들을 대상으로 NFT 배경 아이디어 기획 이벤트가 진행되었습니다. 해당 이벤트는 DEMO T1 NFT를 새롭게 꾸밀 수 있는 자체 서비스를 기획 및 런칭하기에 앞서, NFT 홀더들이 희망하는 배경 컨셉 또는 아이디어를 제출하면 추첨을 통해 원하는 배경을 제작해드리는 목적으로 진행되었습니다. 본 이벤트를 통해 DEMO T1 홀더들이 직접 NFT 배경 기획에 참여하며 자유롭게 아이디어와 의견을 제출할 수 있는 기회를 마련하였으며, 당첨자들의 아이디어는 실제 서비스에 반영될 예정입니다. 이벤트에 참여하여 소중한 의견과 아이디어를 내주신 모든 분들께 감사 드립니다. 당첨자는 19일 발표됩니다.
DEMO 디스코드 👉
3. TADA 싱가포르, 노래가사 개사 이벤트 진행
TADA 싱가포르가 노래가사 개사를 통해 TADA를 홍보하는 바이럴 이벤트, TADA's Got Talents를 진행 중입니다. 해당 이벤트는 TADA 싱가포르 인스타그램을 팔로우하고, 기존 노래 가사에 TADA를 넣어 참신한 가사를 만들어서 댓글을 남기면, 추첨을 통해 $50 상당의 TADA 라이드헤일링 서비스 이용권을 제공하는 이벤트입니다. 또한, 본인이 개사한 노래를 직접 불러 인스타그램에 게시한 참여자에게는 $5 할인 쿠폰을 지급하는 이벤트도 연계하여 진행하고 있습니다. TADA's Got Talents 이벤트는 4월 24일까지 TADA 공식 인스타그램에서 진행됩니다. 더 자세한 정보와 참여방법은 아래 인스타그램 링크를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
➡️ 3월 한달 간 엠블의 행보가 궁금하다면
◈ 엠블의 뉴스레터를 구독하세요.
엠블 공식 홈페이지에서 엠블 뉴스레터를 구독할 수 있습니다. 엠블 뉴스레터를 구독한 분께는 월간 리포트와, 위클리뉴스 등을 이메일로 보내드립니다.
- PC 버전 : 공식 홈페이지 첫 화면의 뉴스레터 구독하기 클릭 후 이메일 주소 작성
- 모바일 버전 : 우측 상단의 더보기 클릭 후 하단 빈 칸에 이메일 주소 작성
👉 엠블 뉴스레터 구독하러 가기
MVL Foundation이 개발하는 블록체인 모빌리티 생태계입니다. 서로 다른 영역에 파편화되어 있는 자동차 거래 기록, 주행 기록, 운전습관, 차량 정비 기록, 운전기사에 대한 평가 등 핵심 데이터를 블록체인에 기록해 생태계 안에서 하나로 연결합니다.
아래의 채널을 통해서 엠블팀의 소식을 빠르게 만나볼 수 있습니다.
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엠블 이메일: support@mvlchain.io
Same news in other sources
118 Apr 2022, 08:44
[18th April Weekly News]
Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l].
This is MVL's Weekly News.
1. TADA Cambodia Features in RHM Music Video, Mass General Media Agency
On April 12th, TADA and ONiON T1 featured in a music video for RHM (Rasmy Hang Meas), a famous Cambodian record label, and the video was released on RHM's official YouTube channel. Rasmey Hang Meas is the largest general entertainment media agency in Cambodia, with about 6 million YouTube followers and more than 4 million Facebook followers. In this video, the cast was filmed using the TADA app from the beginning of the video and appearing on the ONiON T1. Currently, the video has more than 60,000 views, and it is expected that the promotional effect of TADA and ONiON through the video will increase. In the future, TADA plans to actively promote promotional marketing using video and media with partners of various media agencies. You can check the music video by clicking the link below.
2. DEMO T1 NFT Background Idea Planning Event
An NFT background idea planning event was held for DEMO T1 NFT Genesis holders. This event was held to create the desired background through a lottery when NFT holders submit their desired background concept or idea before planning and launching their service that can decorate the DEMO T1 NFT. Through this event, DEMO T1 holders have an opportunity to participate in NFT background planning and submit ideas and opinions freely, and the winners' ideas will be reflected in the actual service. Thank you to everyone who participated in the event and provided valuable opinions and ideas. Winners will be announced on the 19th.
DEMO Discord👉
3. TADA Singapore Hosts Changing the Song Lyrics Event
TADA Singapore is holding TADA's Got Talent, a viral event promoting TADA through lyrics changes. The event is an event that provides $50 worth of TADA ride-hailing service vouchers through a lottery if you follow TADA Singapore Instagram and leave comments by adding TADA to existing song lyrics. In addition, we are also offering $5 discount vouchers to participants who sing the songs they changed their lyrics and post them on Instagram. The TADA's Got Talent event runs through April 24 on TADA's official Instagram. More information and how to participate can be found through the Instagram link below.
◈ Subscribe to our MVL newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on the MVL official website. If you subscribe with us, we will send you our Weekly News and MVL Monthly Report to the email you have submitted.
- PC : Submit your email address on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
- Mobile : Press the button in the upper right side on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
👉 Subscribe to our MVL newsletter here (https://mvlchain.io/#s202104224b5344c268b3d).
What is MVL?
MVL is a blockchain protocol operated within the mobility ecosystem based on incentive method. Within the MVL ecosystem, people generate data and receive incentives by driving or using vehicle-related services. By recording and sharing these data, the entire mobility ecosystem can become a transparent, trustworthy and virtuous cycle structure that develops into a healthy ecosystem.
You can have MVL's latest news with following channels.
MVL Website:
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Xangle Dashboard:
E-mail: support@mvlchain.io
[18th April Weekly News]. Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l]. This is MVL's Weekly News.
[18th April Weekly News]
Hello, this is MVL[em-buh-l].
This is MVL's Weekly News.
1. TADA Cambodia Features in RHM Music Video, Mass General Media Agency
On April 12th, TADA and ONiON T1 featured in a music video for RHM (Rasmy Hang Meas), a famous Cambodian record label, and the video was released on RHM's official YouTube channel. Rasmey Hang Meas is the largest general entertainment media agency in Cambodia, with about 6 million YouTube followers and more than 4 million Facebook followers. In this video, the cast was filmed using the TADA app from the beginning of the video and appearing on the ONiON T1. Currently, the video has more than 60,000 views, and it is expected that the promotional effect of TADA and ONiON through the video will increase. In the future, TADA plans to actively promote promotional marketing using video and media with partners of various media agencies. You can check the music video by clicking the link below.
👉 https://youtu.be/8ciQU7A_zKs
2. DEMO T1 NFT Background Idea Planning Event
An NFT background idea planning event was held for DEMO T1 NFT Genesis holders. This event was held to create the desired background through a lottery when NFT holders submit their desired background concept or idea before planning and launching their service that can decorate the DEMO T1 NFT. Through this event, DEMO T1 holders have an opportunity to participate in NFT background planning and submit ideas and opinions freely, and the winners' ideas will be reflected in the actual service. Thank you to everyone who participated in the event and provided valuable opinions and ideas. Winners will be announced on the 19th.
DEMO Discord👉 https://discord.gg/DEMO
3. TADA Singapore Hosts Changing the Song Lyrics Event
TADA Singapore is holding TADA's Got Talent, a viral event promoting TADA through lyrics changes. The event is an event that provides $50 worth of TADA ride-hailing service vouchers through a lottery if you follow TADA Singapore Instagram and leave comments by adding TADA to existing song lyrics. In addition, we are also offering $5 discount vouchers to participants who sing the songs they changed their lyrics and post them on Instagram. The TADA's Got Talent event runs through April 24 on TADA's official Instagram. More information and how to participate can be found through the Instagram link below.
👉 https://www.instagram.com/p/CcUWxokLb-a/
◈ Subscribe to our MVL newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on the MVL official website. If you subscribe with us, we will send you our Weekly News and MVL Monthly Report to the email you have submitted.
- PC : Submit your email address on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
- Mobile : Press the button in the upper right side on the first page of our MVL homepage to subscribe.
👉 Subscribe to our MVL newsletter here (https://mvlchain.io/#s202104224b5344c268b3d).
What is MVL?
MVL is a blockchain protocol operated within the mobility ecosystem based on incentive method. Within the MVL ecosystem, people generate data and receive incentives by driving or using vehicle-related services. By recording and sharing these data, the entire mobility ecosystem can become a transparent, trustworthy and virtuous cycle structure that develops into a healthy ecosystem.
You can have MVL's latest news with following channels.
MVL Website: https://en.mvlchain.io
Telegram(KR): https://t.me/mvlchain_kr
Telegram(EN): https://t.me/mvlchain_en
MVL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mvlchain/
MVL Twitter: https://twitter.com/mvlchain
Youtube: https://ewhk4.app.goo.gl/3uWy
Xangle Dashboard: https://xangle.io/project/MVL/key-info
E-mail: support@mvlchain.io