2022년 6월 월간리포트입니다. 6월 리포트에서는 ONiON Mobility와 PTT 캄보디아의 MOU 체결소식을 전해드립니다.
08 Jul 2022, 03:57
2022년 6월 월간리포트입니다.
6월 리포트에서는 ONiON Mobility와 PTT 캄보디아의 MOU 체결소식을 전해드립니다.
그 외에도, 우경식 대표 라이징 자이언트 인터뷰, ONiON 스테이션 9개 지점 오픈, TADA x 인스타렘 어메이즈 카드 프로모션 진행 등 다른 주요 이슈들도 확인하실 수 있습니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Same news in other sources
208 Jul 2022, 04:19
Monthly Report for June 2022
In this report, we share the news on MOU between ONiON Mobility and PTT.
Also check out our CEO Kay's interview with Rising Giants, TADA x Instarem promotion and the opening of 9 EV stations.
Thank you.
Monthly Report for June 2022. In this report, we share the news on MOU between ONiON Mobility and PTT.
Monthly Report for June 2022
In this report, we share the news on MOU between ONiON Mobility and PTT.
Also check out our CEO Kay's interview with Rising Giants, TADA x Instarem promotion and the opening of 9 EV stations.
🏠 https://t.co/XxJIQ71yAh
Thank you.
MVL https://t.co/67pf3wY7pH
08 Jul 2022, 03:59
Monthly report for June 2022 is here.
In this report, we share the news on MOU between ONiON Mobility and PTT.
You can also find out about our CEO Kay's interview with Rising Giants, TADA's new promotion with Instarem and the opening of 9 EV stations in Cambodia. Stay tuned with MVL.
Thank you.
Monthly report for June 2022 is here. In this report, we share the news on MOU between ONiON Mobility and PTT.
Monthly report for June 2022 is here.
In this report, we share the news on MOU between ONiON Mobility and PTT.
You can also find out about our CEO Kay's interview with Rising Giants, TADA's new promotion with Instarem and the opening of 9 EV stations in Cambodia. Stay tuned with MVL.
🏠 https://mvlchain.page.link/d73D
Thank you.